Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions -
- lightest person in the boat.
- have a shape that helps it flow easily through the water (not boxed, but like an actual canoes).
- get other teammates in the pool to push the canoe forward.
- have a rudder to help steer.
- the person in the canoe can balance the boat out.
- make the walls of the canoe easy to go over for the paddler.
- add a bucket or scoop to get water out of the boat.
- use pieces of cardboard to span the width of the canoe with multiple strips to hold it together and keep the structure solid.
- add two other sides to keep it stable - trimeran reference.
- build a floatable substance to keep it afloat with air inside.
- construct a "rope" out of duct tape to tie off the boat.
- trimeran - be able to securely fasten the sides on without having to break them off through the door and on the way to the pool.
- the design should be as lightweight as possible (buoyancy AND trip to pool)
- make the ends and tips of the canoe higher than the others to keep the walls high.
- make the bottom open up more and close at the top - like a v.
- incorporate origami into it so we can fold it permanently into a good shape, and keep the structure in fair condition.
- outside should be completely covered with duct tape.
- create handles/grips on back so it can be pushed in water.
- use a long stick to push it through water (like gondola).
- be conservative about the usage of duct tape - use as little as possible to save for other items.
Criteria & Constraints-
Criteria- The boat has to be able to go into the swimming pool, float, and go from one end to another at least once.
Constraints- 1. The boat has to be completely covered with duct tape.
2. You can only use two rolls of duct tape.(So be careful about how big your boat is.)
3. Boat must fit at least 2 people in it, while still floating.
• Sketch Ideas - Draw 3 different sketches for possible designs. Label at least 3 key features for each sketch. Describe the feature's functionality so a viewer understands why the called out feature is important.

Prototype Ideas - Craft physical prototypes (models) of each of your three sketches. Use a notecard or post it note to call out at least one key feature on each model. Post the images to your blog and describe the key feature that you've pointed out on each.
Select an Approach -
Negative- Our approach on our design was negative because we did not make side canoes to support it so we could not balance it.
Positive- Our positive is our thinking so when it failed we could turn it straight into a surfboard shape and still compete.
Change- Next time we compete in the annual cardboard canoe challenge I would not make a V- Bottom boat.
Questions- I wondered why our we didn't end up putting the side canoes on the boat. I think it would have helped our problem with balance greatly.
So we ended up going with the V-Bottom design and even though it failed, I am glad we did it. I think I learned a lot because of it and now can learn from our mistakes.
Build Achievements
• Build It! - Build your watercraft. Document it with a presentable photo.
• The Early Bird Gets the Achievement - We built our boat the fastest.
• V-Bottom - We built a V-Bottom boat.
Reflection achievements
Feedback -
1.Our boat was good because it taught us how buoyant the cardboard actually as with the duct tape.
2. It also taught us how to create a boat that can float. By learning by our mistakes.
3. Our boat did make a come back because it could be made into a surf board.
4. Our boat did not float for more than 5 seconds.
5. Our boat did not make it to the other side of the pool and back.
6. It got water logged way too easily.
7. I would make it a flat bottom next time.
8. I would use more duct tape than we did.
9. How would our boat do if we used the side canoes?
10. If we used a flat bottom would we have done good or just failed.
• Redesign - If I were to make another boat I would first start off with a flat bottom. That seemed to work better the V-Bottom such as ours. I would use a lot more duct tape than we did. I would not only duct tape the outside of the boat I would also duct tape the inside too. I would try and not leave any open cardboard because I found that cardboard can get extremely water logged.
• (Make Your Own Achievement) - If I made an achievement it would be "Duct Tape Regulator". What it would do is make it so you can only use two rolls of duct tape. You can not bring any in so it puts a limit of duct tape and size of boat. If you make a big boat with no duct tape it will do poorly so they will have to make there boat know how they can only use two rolls of duct tape.
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